Proposed Legislation Changes Introduce Amendments to Privacy Law in Alberta

Bill 33 and Bill 34 have recently received royal assent introducing foundational changes to Alberta’s privacy law. Notably, the Bills divide the existing Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP”) into two Acts: The Access to Information Act and the Protection of Privacy Act. These amendments are intended to account for the rapidly evolving digital landscape to protect the personal information and privacy of Canadians.

Bill 33, Protection of Privacy Act, will introduce the following key amendments:

  • Enhance privacy protections by ensuring public bodies are properly managing and protecting personal information
  • Enforce strict penalties in Canada for the misuse of Albertans’ personal information
  • Implement requirements for privacy management programs, privacy impact assessments, and privacy breach reporting
  • Make it mandatory for Albertans to be notified if their personal information is involved in a privacy breach

Bill 34, Access to Information Act, will introduce the following key amendments:

  • Clarify and enhance regulatory functions, including those of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (“OIPC”)
  • Allow for extensions during times of emergencies so public bodies can focus on the immediate crisis
  • Set out clear timelines for OIPC to complete reviews and respond to access requests

For more information on Bill 33 and Bill 34, read the Government of Alberta official notices here and here.

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