Weekly Program Feature: Collaborative Law Programs


Are you a lawyer who practices in the area of family law? Have you considered becoming a registered collaborative professional?

LESA offers collaborative law programs on an annual basis. Here’s what’s happening this year.

Basic Collaborative LawŸ Ÿ• Edmonton •Ÿ September 30 – October 1 2016

Interest Based Negotiations Ÿ• Edmonton Ÿ• October 20 – 23 Ÿ 2016

Mediation of Family and Divorce Conflicts Ÿ• Calgary •Ÿ May 15 – 19 Ÿ 2017

** NOTE: These are limited enrolment programs. **

** NOTE: Refer to the Collaborative Divorce Alberta Association (CDAA) for certification requirements.**

Basic Collaborative Law

This fall, attend the Basic Collaborative Law program and learn methods for dispute resolution that encourage mutual respect, allow for open communication, utilize a problem-solving approach, as well as identify and address the interests and concerns of all parties, including children.

Cover the 4 principles of collaborative practice.

  1. A pledge not to go to court;
  2. An honest exchange of information;
  3. Good faith negotiations; and
  4. A solution that considers the highest priorities of all parties.

Instructor Susan L. Zwaenepoel QC received her collaborative law training in 2001 and has been teaching this course for several years. Here’s what she has to say about collaborative practice.

Both clients and lawyers really benefit from this kind of work. … The clients gain access to support they wouldn’t necessarily have had in a traditional divorce … matters are often resolved quicker and more positively for everyone involved.”

Register for Basic Collaborative Law. (Limited Enrolment)

Interest Based Negotiations

Join instructors Suzan L. Zwaenepoel QC, E. Leith Martin, Sharlene Yanitski, and Marne Turnbull this fall for Interest Based Negotiations.

As Susan says, “Collaborative work is fundamentally a philosophical approach to family law. … It is geared toward problem-solving, cooperation and to providing the client with the support and tools to get through the process in a less litigious manner than in a traditional divorce.”

Learn the difference between principled and adversarial negotiations, delve into the 5-stage interest based negotiation model, and enhance practical skills, such as:

  • active listening
  • effective questioning
  • interactive learning
  • reframing

Register for Interest Based Negotiations. (Limited Enrolment)

Mediation of Family and Divorce Conflicts

Mediation of Family and Divorce Conflicts is one of the 3 pillars of collaborative law training. This five-day program will be instructed by 3 experienced collaborative professionals.

It is this harmonic range of different professionals – who provide the greatest ability to understand different perspectives – that makes this program successful. Attendees have come from the United States, Holland, and Switzerland and include judges, psychologists, lawyers, teachers, police officers, members of the cloth, politicians, and many other professionals.” – Dr. Larry Fong Ph.D., R.Psych

Register for Mediation of Family and Divorce Conflicts. (Limited Enrolment)


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