Congratulations 2014 Women in Law Leadership (WILL) Award Recipients

This past week, The Counsel Network and the Association of Women Lawyers, in partnership with the Canadian Bar Association – Women Lawyers Forum, presented the 4th annual Women in Law Leadership (WILL) Awards to 7 outstanding recipients.

LESA congratulateWILLAwards2012_logos all of the 2014 award recipients on their amazing achievements:

Hon. Chief Justice C. Fraser – Lifetime Achievement Award
Marie L. Gordon QC – Leadership in the Profession (Private Practice)
Kate Chisholm QC – Leadership in the Profession (In-house or Government)
Diana Lowe QC – Leadership in the Profession (Broader Roles)
Mona Duckett QC – Leadership in the Community
Patricia Hébert  – Leadership in the Community
Heather Barnhouse – Tomorrow’s Leader

We’re thrilled to see so many of our past and present LESA supporters honoured with these awards. LESA would especially like to recognize those award recipients who are volunteering with us this year.

Gordon and Duckett are long-standing LESA volunteers who have offered their valuable skills and knowledge to many of their colleagues while speaking at LESA seminars. This year is no exception. In the new year, each will be speaking as faculty members at upcoming LESA seminars: Gordon at the Matrimonial Property Division seminar and Duckett at the Running Your First Trial seminar.

Chisholm currently serves on our Board of Directors, offering her valuable insight and direction to help govern our organization.

Barnhouse is an active participant in our pre-call training program for students-at-law (CPLED) as a Learning Group Facilitator (LGF), helping to pass along valuable information and skills to soon-to-be lawyers, and as a Learning Group Evaluator (LGE), evaluating the students’ competency in various online modules.

We greatly value the dedication and commitment of our volunteers. Congratulations to all of these incredible WILL recipients! Your dedication to the legal profession and the community is appreciated!

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