Law Commission of Canada: Call for Proposals

The Law Commission of Canada has announced they are seeking proposals to contribute to their upcoming project, the Beyond Tomorrow Reports. This new initiative is dedicated to identifying and addressing issues in law for Canada’s upcoming generations through a series of researched reports (the “Reports”).

Proposals should be submitted by established scholars from faculties of law at Canadian universities, or from a related discipline. The Reports should consist of a research-based test of 15,000-17,000 words, a related outreach model with at least one community-based actor or partner, and a brief written description of complementary public engagement. Authors will be paid $20,000 to support the research and writing for each Report.

Proposals must be submitted for consideration of the Law Commission of Canada to [email protected] by February 28, 2025. Proposals will be reviewed by the end of March 2025. For more information on the Beyond Tomorrow Reports initiative, read the complete announcement here.



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