Learn to Effectively Leverage the Power of Media at LESA’s Upcoming Webinar

Ever wonder why some lawyers always seem to be in the news? Does the thought of a scrum with reporters on the courthouse steps give you nightmares? Is it even ethical to speak with the media about a case before the court? How can you help a client with a public relations crisis?

In our upcoming webinar on May 25 at noon, join presenters Grant Ainsley (Grant Ainsley Inc. ) and Cynthia Carels (Weir Bowen LLP) to explore what it means to have a successful media relations strategy and the resulting benefit that it can have on your career growth.

Discuss business development topics with respect to media relations, including:

  • How to leverage media to build a brand online to grow your practice
  • 5 steps to take when preparing for interviews
  • Elements of an effective “sound bite”
  • Best practices and common pitfalls
How to Register

Click here to register for this webinar. Registration includes access to the recording and materials.

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