LESA Refresher 2022 Papers Now Available

Papers are now available from LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. This past spring we hosted our annual LESA Refresher in the mountains. With a focus on wills and estates, attendees engaged in an in-depth exploration of estate planning, estate administration, and estate litigation issues.

Topics included managing the court process, common and unique claims and proceedings, the solicitor’s role in business succession planning, changes to AISH legislation and rules, the intersection of family law and wills and estates law, and more. Papers from this program, as well as papers from our add-on program, “Managing Wills and Estates Matters” are now available for individual purchase and download from the LESA site. If you are a LESA Library subscriber (either to the Wills and Estates collection or to the complete LESA Library), these resources are automatically available to you as part of your annual subscription here.

Scroll below for select titles from our collection of LESA Refresher papers as well as papers from LESA’s Managing Wills and Estates Matters.

Best Practices and Quality Control in an Administration Practice

Author: David J. Koski | $65 + GST

Using the author’s experiences over the years, this paper considers best practices in an estate administration practice.  It delves into topics such as the initial consultation with a personal representative, assets and debts, Canada Pension Plan benefits, tax filings, PR compensation, retainer agreements, due diligence letters, grant application and issuance, payments, and reimbursements, and more.

Best Practices and Quality Control in Planning Practice

Author: Shelley E. Waite | $65 + GST

Lawyers owe a duty of care to their clients to draft a will in accordance with their instructions, provide all required advice, and attend to the execution of the will expeditiously, given the circumstances. In doing so, they are required to be skillful and careful in the provision of legal services. This paper encourages readers to analyze their time and/or their staff’s time, and identify processes that can be standardized, thereby leading to more time to create quality documents, lasting clients, and perhaps making more money.

Will Drafting

Author: Farha Salim | $35 + GST

This paper serves as a practical guide for wills and estates practitioners through a series of principles that should inform good drafting. Starting with a discussion of the role and responsibilities of a drafting solicitor, it examines the use of precedents, drafting tips, covering “what ifs”, and more. It also considers what to do when clients give instructions that a lawyer can foresee will lead to issues.

AISH Planning and Tax Issues

Author: Dane ZoBell | $65 + GST

Assisting individuals and family members who have children that qualify for the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program can be a rewarding but infrequent aspect of an estate planners’ general practice. With the Alberta government’s passing of more recent legislation to once again allow Henson trusts, the possible planning and options to be considered for clients that qualify for AISH must be reviewed in greater detail. This paper provides a general overview of the current AISH legislation, followed by a discussion of a number of planning options and income tax issues to be considered in a variety of circumstances.

Will Substitutes: Misnamed, Misused & Misunderstood

Author: Shel J. Laven | $65 + GST

This paper provides an overview of will substitutes and takes a broader look at their respective pros, cons, and quirks as they come up in practice.

The Solicitor’s Role in Identifying the Goals, Objectives, Benefits and Pitfalls of Business Succession Planning

Authors: Sam Amelio QC & Jason M. Stephan | $65 + GST

This paper provides an analysis of the factors that a solicitor must consider when advising a client on business succession planning. It examines the solicitor’s role in identifying goals & objectives, identifying issues and extenuating circumstances, and choosing a business succession team.


To view all available LESA Refresher papers from our 2022 wills and estates program, simply click “Papers” from the “Resources” drop down menu on the LESA homepage, select the filter for “Wills and Estates”, and then click “Apply Filters”.

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