New Program! Family Law Chambers

Effective chambers advocacy is critical in a family law practice. This program will explore issues that often arise in family law chambers and help lawyers develop strategies to address them. Topics will include:

  • Contested Chambers Applications
  • Special Chambers Custody Applications
  • Dealing with Self-Represented Partiers
  • Emergency Protection Orders and King’s Bench Protection Orders
  • Case Management
  • Maintenance Enforcement and Child Support Recalculation Programs
Program Details

Date: January 28, 9:00 AM-4:30 PM (Edmonton or Livestream)
Early Bird Price: $475 (General) | $427.50 (New Lawyers) | $356.25 (Students)
Early bird pricing ends on January 2, 2025.


Chair | Bud Melnyk KC, Warren Sinclair LLP
Additional presenters will be added soon!

How to Register

Click here to register for Edmonton (in-person).
Click here to register for Livestream (online).

Note: Reduced pricing is available for newly called lawyers (called within five years) as well as students. Click the link above and select the appropriate ticket to register with reduced pricing.

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