Emergency Protection Order and Queen’s Bench Protection Orders: A Review of the Protection Against Family Violence Act

SKU: 62037.04

This paper considers the Protection Against Family Violence Act. It reviews Emergency Protection Orders [EPO], including the process and legal grounds for obtaining an EPO, its terms, and its confirmation. It also reviews Queen’s Bench Protection Orders [QBPO], including the process and legal grounds for obtaining a QBPO and service of a QBPO. Additionally, the process and grounds for obtaining a common law restraining order, including mutual restraining orders, is also discussed. The paper also highlights a few cases of note relating to EPOs and QBPOs. It includes, as appendices, an EPO application, a QBPO questionnaire, and a restraining order in form FL-30.

This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Family Law: Chambers Advocacy and Practice Pointers program in Red Deer on April 21, 2017.


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