Find Documents Without the Drama – Document and File Management

SKU: 61816.07

This paper highlights key document management issues, as well as common misconceptions. Think about all of the documents you have in your practice, including electronic documents created in-house, documents your firm has received, and all of your email and attachments. Imagine if you could:

  • Electronically organize and store all of your documents in a client/matter-centric manner;
  • Make documents accessible by everyone in your firm, at any time, whether they are in or out of the office; and
  • Easily search all of those files by any criteria (client, matter, type of document, author, date created, date modified, size, file type, text contained in the file, etc.)

This paper was drawn from materials presented at LESA’s Law & Practice Update program held in Edmonton on November 18th and 19th, 2011.


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