Insights, Recent Alberta Family Law Developments, and Negotiation Strategies Pertaining to the Law of Parenting

SKU: 61989.01

This paper examines developments in jurisprudence throughout 2015 and 2016 in the law of parenting, and within that context, discusses practice observations, practice points, and negotiation strategies. In particular, this paper considers a variety of issues relating to parenting, including the burden required to alter a parenting arrangement; steps that can be taken to uphold shared parenting arrangements; addressing relocation disputes; factors that warrant restrictions on access to children; and tips for analyzing psychological assessment reports. In addition, included in the appendices is a guide for separated parents with practical suggestions for parenting disputes. It contains advice for parents to minimize conflict and its impact on their children, assist with evidence preservation, and provide tools for achieving a positive parenting arrangement.
This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Family Law 25 program in Edmonton on March 3, 2016 and in Calgary on March 8, 2016.


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