Post-Secondary Child Support

SKU: 61985.03

This paper outlines the information that lawyers need in order to effectively and efficiently deal with post-secondary child support. A brief background discussion on the ABC’s of child support for adult children in post-secondary school is provided, as well as an outline of factors and arguments to consider when determining if a child qualifies for continued support, and if so, what that quantum of support should be. Additionally, the paper provides a legal summary of 12 common issues for counsel to consider when dealing with post-secondary child support, and reviews recent judicial decisions relevant to each issue. An outline of information that counsel should obtain from the child and parent when determining post-secondary child support is also included in the paper’s appendices.
This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Advanced Child Support program in Edmonton on February 10, 2016 and in Calgary on February 23, 2016.


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