Program Feature – Corporate Procedure Fundamentals

Corporate Procedure Fundamentals

Join seminar chair Kirsty Sklar for Corporate Procedure Fundamentals

Discuss how corporations are distinguished from other corporate structures, review basic corporate practices and procedures, and learn how to maintain a minute book (including how to properly fix an out-of-date one).

About the Program

We recently spoke with Kirsty to find out a bit more about this program. Here’s what she had to say.

At this program, we’re going to be covering various aspects of corporate procedures. The first presenter is Drew Broughton, who will be going over the nature and characteristics of different types of corporation ownership and management as well as the difference between the obligations and responsibilities of directors, officers, and shareholders. We’re also going to have Lauren Toreson, who has some really good insight on specific questions you should be asking when you are incorporating a company. Lisa Lorenzo, one of our corporate services managers – who has been a paralegal and has extensive experience in our firm – is going to presentat on minute book best practices and the required filings with CORES. Michael Flach is going to be discussing shareholder agreements and some common pitfalls and tips for drafting. Sandra Malcolm is going to be speaking about the various forms of corporate acquisitions and reorganizations that can occur. Lastly, we have Sydney Abougoush, who is going to talk about some of key issues that we’re currently seeing in this area.”

Kirsty also told us why she thinks this program is valuable.

I think this program is going to be valuable for anyone who practices in the area of corporate law and would like to dive deeper. The presenters are specialists in the area of corporate law, and I am interested to hear what they have to say in their particular area of expertise. The presentation on Unanimous Shareholder Agreements (USAs) and on Corporations will have practical, useful checklists that attendees will be able to take back with them to the office for future use.”

Register Online

Don’t miss the opportunity to dive deeper into corporate procedures with experienced panelists. Join us for Corporate Procedure Fundamentals in Edmonton (May 3) or in Calgary (May 10).

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