Program Feature – Immigration Fundamentals

Immigration Fundamentals

Who is eligible for permanent residence in Canada? How can an H&C application offer redress to a foreign national? What factors do immigration authorities consider when granting a refugee claim?

Explore the answers to these questions and more in our upcoming program, Immigration Fundamentals.

Join seminar chair Mark Holthe and distinguished panelists on March 14 (Calgary) or on March 23 (Edmonton) to explore key immigration law topics. From temporary study and work permits and the express entry program, to family class immigration and refugee applications, immigrant
settlement procedures, and more.

Topics and Presenters

In a recent interview we spoke with Mark who told us a bit about the presenters and topics that will be discussed at this program. Here’s what he had to say.

We’ve got a group of really high caliber lawyers who have worked very hard to become knowledgeable and experienced in their field. Most of these speakers practice exclusively in the area of Canadian immigration law. These very skilled practitioners are going to be sharing insight, answering questions, and really trying to tailor what is being presented to the attendees. Anyone who comes with a question is definitely going to get an answer.”

Shirish Chotalia QC | Pundit & Chotalia
Megan Dawson | McCuaig Desrochers LLP
Anna Kuranicheva | Edmonton Community Legal Centre
Rekha P. McNutt | Caron & Partners LLP
Raj Sharma | Stewart Sharma Harsanyi
Russ Weninger | Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Susan Wood | Traverse Immigration Law

Mark also told us about the topics that will be covered at this program.

The program is broken down into various immigration categories. In the morning, we’re going to cover topics around temporary residence in Canada – work permits, study permits, and visitor visas – including what’s required to obtain them and how people qualify for them. Then, we’re going to shift to permanent residence applications. We’ll specifically address Canada’s new Express Entry process for obtaining permanent residence for skilled workers and also Alberta’s Immigrant Nominee Program, which is another pathway for skilled workers to obtain permanent residence in Canada. We’re going to talk about family sponsorship and the type of individuals and family members who are eligible to be sponsored. Then, in the afternoon, we’re going to shift to more complex immigration categories. We’re going to talk about enforcement to start things off. Sometimes we have clients who find themselves in trouble with the law or have other issues that come up that affect their admissibility to Canada – even when they’re here – and face deportation or removal. So, we’re going to talk about that. Then when all else fails and there is no other category that works – but there are sufficient humanitarian and compassionate reasons to allow someone to stay – we’re going to discuss a unique category called an H&C application. Finally, we’re going to end with the refugee process, which has been a hot topic over the last year or so in Canada, with the influx of many thousands of refugees.”

Program Takeaways

It’s great to have materials to take back to the office once a program is complete. Mark told us about some of the key program takeaways you’ll get from attending this program.

Each of the presenters will have takeaways. We’re also going to run through scenarios – real life examples – so people can see how this actually applies in various circumstances. These scenarios are going to be intertwined amongst the various presentations so that there is a connection between the scenarios presented, allowing attendees to see how these processes evolve with a particular client. For example, someone may need to come to Canada temporarily and then decide to remain permanently, which is something that lawyers in Alberta will see quite frequently.”

Register Online

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn practical tips and strategies for key immigration law topics from seasoned practitioners. Join us in Calgary (March 14) or in Edmonton (March 23) for Immigration Fundamentals. Read our program brochure to learn more.

Register on or before February 7 to take advantage of our Early Bird pricing.

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