Program Feature – Contract Review and Clause Negotiaiton

Contract Review and Clause Negotiation

Attend Contract Review and Clause Negotiation on February 15 (Edmonton) or on February 23 (Calgary). Learn practical tips and strategies from experienced panelists, and enhance your practice.

About the Program

In a recent interview, we spoke with seminar chair Jonathan Coombs (Witten LLP, Edmonton), who gave us the inside scoop on this upcoming program. Here’s what he had to say about the topics that will be covered.

We are going to review a variety of clauses that may appear in contracts, some typical boilerplate clauses, and other clauses typically found in agreements that maybe shouldn’t be. We will also review some recent Supreme Court cases, looking at the effects that those cases may have on clauses you want to include or how you can amend older clauses to reflect the new laws.”

Don’t miss the opportunity to analyze common transactions through the lens of key cases, including:

  • Bhasin v Hrynew, 2014 SCC 71;
  • Sattva Capital Corp v Creston Moly Corp, 2014 SCC 53;
  • Swift v Eleven Eleven Architecture Inc, 2014 ABCA 49; and
  • Payette v Guay Inc, 2013 SCC 45.

About the Presenters

Join Jonathan Coombs and distinguished panelists for this comprehensive, interactive, full-day program. Discover key clauses and boilerplate provisions as well as potential options for negotiation.

Rhonda M. Elder | Warren Sinclair LLP | Red Deer
Michael W. Jones | Stringam LLP |Fort McMurray & Lethbridge
John A. Brigidear | Carscallen LLP |Calgary
Sean R. MacLachlan | Carscallen LLP | Calgary

Here’s what Jonathan had to say about the diversity of the panel.

We cover Northern, Southern, and Central Alberta, and we have presenters from bigger city law firms down to small town law firms. I practice in Edmonton and have an office in Drayton Valley that I work out of as well, so I cover the big city and small town background. Rhonda Elder is from Central Alberta and practices out of Red Deer. Michael Jones practices out of Lethbridge and Fort McMurray, so he covers the far south and the far north of the province. John Brigidear and Sean MacLachlan both practice out of a Calgary law firm, so we all cover different parts of the province.

Program Benefits and Takeaways

We asked Jonathan what attendees would find beneficial about the program and about some of the key program takeaways. Here’s a sneak preview of what you can look forward to.

Attendees will come away with knowledge of some recent case law that will affect their contract review and drafting. They will also come away with some practical applications for how to negotiate a contract. We’d like to get some hands on participation and involvement from the audience members as well, and plan to have some sample wording for some of the key clauses and boilerplate provisions that people can take away with them.”

Register Online

Reserve your spot in Contract Review and Clause Negotiation. Register online to attend in:

**Register on or before January 10, 2017 to take advantage of our Early Bird pricing.**

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