Legal Support Staff are often tasked with managing complex civil litigation files. Discover tips for keeping files organized, strategies for handling complex matters, and explore key dos and don’ts, so you can enhance your confidence and competence.
This program is also offered in Edmonton.
View the brochure.
- Strategies for dealing with complex litigation matters
- Tips for drafting affidavits and pleadings
- Discovery/e-Discovery
- Experts
- Privilege
- Issue spotting
- Dos and don’ts
Early Bird Price: $345 + GST (Register on or before January 7, 2020)
Regular Price: $395 + GST
NOTE: The materials for this program will be provided in electronic format.![](https://www.lesaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/LESAGoesGreenIcon_LESAGoesGreen.jpg)
LESA offers the following discounts:
D125 – 25% off for living more than 125 km (one way) from the nearest program site.
D250 – 50% off for living more than 250 km (one way) from the nearest program site.
Enter coupon code D125 or D250 during checkout if applicable