Spotlight On: “Managing a Family Law File – Starting with the End in Mind”

Now available on the LESA Library, “Managing a Family Law File – Starting with the End in Mind” walks readers through the necessary steps to take when managing a family law file.

This paper outlines that a well-managed and successful family law practice requires competence, organization, and strategy built on a solid foundation of effective communication with clients and the opposing counsel/party. With tips for each stage of the process, this paper provides helpful strategies on how to achieve this while also exploring the foundational requirements for early resolution and alternative dispute resolution, along with obstacles and barriers to resolution. It also examines the “pathway” of family law litigation and invites readers to assess how they will deal with things such as: legal issues vs. clients’ inter-party relationship issues, intermediate court applications, utilizing court processes to move matters along, and obtaining final resolutions for clients. Finally, it offers tips on file management, communication, approaching expert reports, and conducting trauma informed practice.

These materials were prepared by Christopher A. Jackson and Kurt E. Schlachter KC. If you are a LESA library subscriber (either to the family law collection or to the complete LESA Library), you can read the full paper here. If you are not a LESA Library subscriber and would like to purchase and download this paper, visit the shop here.

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