Virtual Law Office: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 5

We have taken you through the framework and benefits of beginning a Virtual Law Office. Now we will hear Danijela Strong, Legal Assistant to Linda L. Long Q.C., discuss her perspective on the VLO.

“I have been with Long Family Law Group family since December 2008.  Everything was new for me and there was a lot to learn.  I was trained to follow the office procedures and with time I could see how important it was to follow the process that was in place which eventually got even better. For example, all of our documents, correspondences, court and meeting notes are scanned to our electronic file directory so our client files mirror each other in the hard copies and electronic copies.  The clients are updated on their matter electronically as things happen on their case which eliminates the backlog.  The lawyers are able to access the electronic files from anywhere so in the event a lawyer is traveling and there is urgency on a file, they are able to access client’s file, provide support, advice and instruct the team.  The law office travels with the lawyer.

We use all electronic methods available to us to ensure customer service and prompt replies to clients.  I also remember how great it was to see a young lawyer from Grande Prairie get the support he needed to launch him and get experience and training from a senior counsel,  all occurring through a click of a mouse, camera, phone and an internet connection.  Support to another lawyer was given immediately as the situation required attention.

In Family Law you should expect the unexpected and crisis does not ask what time of the day it is. With a virtual system the legal advice is provided to people in need as their life unfolds and junior lawyers are able to get the mentoring they need to ensure that client’s needs are met in the justice world. I have been a part of this client service virtual team model for three years and it works!”

Stayed tuned for Part 6: VLO From the Perspective of the Legal Assistant

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