Do you need a refresher in financial statement analysis? Did you attend Financial Statements: Learning to Swim this fall to understand the basics? Are you ready to dive deeper now? ...
Do you manage the business side of your law practice? Are you a law firm administrator? Thinking of starting your own practice? Maybe you’re a long-time law firm manager. Or ...
As more and more workplaces develop anti-racism policies and look to shift their systems and culture, it is imperative that lawyers who handle employment, human rights, or workplace investigation matters ...
Suit up and learn the tools for effective financial statement analysis! Assess key issues in balance sheet accounts, consider what estimates and judgments could have manipulated the results, dive into ...
Update: This program is now sold out. Sign up for the LESA E-List to be notified of future offerings of this program. LESA is thrilled to announce the return of ...
The Alberta Court of King’s Bench has released several notices to the profession which will impact court filing procedures. Effective November 1, 2024, the King’s Bench Operations will now accept ...
Regardless of the kinds of litigation you practice, all litigators have common skills they need to develop throughout their careers. We’re excited to offer a two-day learning and networking opportunity ...
In addition to our annual LESA Refresher (scheduled for April 2025 with a focus on Wills and Estates) LESA is excited to launch our first-ever two-day institutes in Calgary this ...
The Law Society of Alberta has announced that the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta (the “Rules”) regarding Client Identification and Verification (“CIV Rules”) will be amended. The current ...