Lake Louise

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available. You can use the LESA Library to access course materials or purchase course materials a la carte. Alternatively, you can view the complete list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

LESA is excited to present the 47th annual litigation refresher, taking place on beautiful Lake Louise April 27th through 29th, 2014.  We guarantee that no matter your area of law, you will be engaged, educated, entertained and, ultimately, refreshed.

An impressive faculty of experienced practitioners and judges has put together a varied program, offering practical advice on issues affecting every lawyer’s practice in Alberta, including civil procedure, ADR, evidence, practice management, class actions, privacy, and so much more.

Your learning will be complemented by many social and networking opportunities, featuring the hospitality and culinary expertise of the world famous Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.

Take some time out to enjoy that hospitality with your significant other, friends and colleagues at the “how do you fondue?” seminar and, of course, at the Refresher’s culmination, the Monday night gala and entertainment.

For a limited time, save $250 on registration fees.

Check the Refresher brochure on-line or the paper copy in your in-box for more information.  We look forward to seeing you!

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