New Papers for Download: Wills & Estates Refresher Course Materials

If you missed our 44th Annual Refresher Course–Wills & Estates this past May in Lake Louise, you are in luck! The papers from this program are now available to purchase as individual PDF downloads. See below for a complete list including the title, author, and price, with links to where you can find each paper on our website.

Happy reading!

Paper Title: Testamentary Capacity and the Taking of Instructions: Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t?
Author: Barbara J. Kimmitt
Price: $45

Paper Title: Farm Property Transfers – The Basics
Author: Dean L. Gallimore FCA*CBV
Price: $55

Paper Title: Canadian Residents Owning U.S. Property Tips and Traps
Author: Gregory J. Gartner Q.C. and Joyce A. Young
Price: $45

Paper Title: The “Softer” Side of Trusts
Author: James R. Farrington
Price: $45

Paper Title: Surrogate Forms and Applications
Author: Karen M. Rackel Q.C.
Price: $55

Paper Title: Duties of Trustees, Executors & Attorneys
Author: Karen A. Platten Q.C.
Price: $45

Paper Title: Addressing the Requirement to Consider Tax Consequences Under the Prudent Investor Rules
Author: Craig M. Jones Q.C.
Price: $45

Paper Title: Roles, Responsibilities and Wrist-Slapping: The Personal Representative in Estate Litigation
Author: Nancy L. Golding Q.C.
Price: $45

Paper Title: When is a Limitation Period Really a Limitation Period?
Author: Sherrilynn J. Kelly
Price: $45

Paper Title: Registered Disability Savings Plans and Registered Education Savings Plans Tips and Tricks for Estate Administration
Author: Monica Johnson
Price: $55

Paper Title: Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act – Personal Matters
Author: Malcolm F. Pritchard
Price: $55

Paper Title: Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act– Moving from Theory to Practice
Author: C. Suzanne McAfee Q.C.
Price: $55

Paper Title: Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act – New Protections for Vulnerable Albertans
Author: Brenda Lee Doyle
Price: $45

Paper Title: Surrogate Contentious Matters: Litigation Plans
Author: Anne S. de Villars Q.C.
Price: $45

Paper Title: When to Call a Mentor
Author: Roy D. Boettger Q.C.
Price: $45

To view the complete list online click here.

Also available: free downloads!

Model Code of Conduct
Author: Nancy M. Carruthers

44th Annual Refresher Course–Wills & Estates Bibliography

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