Penalty and Service Fee Increases to Maintenance Enforcement and Child Support Recalculation Programs

MEP and RP Service and Fee Changes

There’s an upcoming change to Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) and the Child Support Recalculation Program (RP) service and penalty fees that you and your clients need to know about.

Effective August 1, 2017, MEP and RP are increasing penalties and service fees that are charged to some of its clients.

What are the changes?

Provincial government passed the following amendments to the Maintenance Enforcement Regulation and the Child Support Recalculation Regulation on June 12, 2017:

MEP and RP Service and Fee Changes

Most of the fees and penalties are only increasing by the inflation rate equal to one year (2.6%, and rounded to the nearest half-dollar). The debtor default fee is increasing by $15 to encourage debtors to meet their court-ordered obligations.

Why are the penalties and service fees increasing?

Penalties and fees partially offset the service costs incurred when debtors and creditors do not comply with requirements. The amounts of these costs have increased over time, but fees and penalties have not increased for MEP since 2005 and for RP since 2010. The increases will cover more of the enforcement costs than previous amounts, and will allow MEP and RP to maintain a satisfactory service level to clients.

Need more information? Have questions?

The information page detailing the changes and how MEP and RP clients can avoid penalties can be accessed here. You can also access the MEP and RP web pages directly.

MEP can also be reached by phone at 780.422.5555, and RP can be reached by either phone at 780.401.1111 or email at [email protected].

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