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  • OC-62354-1
    Family law lawyers face unique challenges helping clients navigate stressful and emotional life events. Starting with the intake process, explore effective strategies lawyers can employ before, during and at the end of the initial consultation. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 7, 2024 as part of Running an Effective Family Law Practice.  Total running time is 1 hour, 13 minutes.
  • OC-62368-4
    The right to cross-examine is inherently embedded in the right to a fair trial. Numerous cases insist that for a fair trial, civil litigants must have the right to cross-examine, including expert witnesses. Explore the questioning of an expert and the process for the examination of an expert. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 53 minutes.
  • OC-62368-6
    Understanding and mastering the art of cross-examination is critical in any trial setting. From the perspective of a Justice of the Alberta Court of King’s Bench, this presentation explores key elements of effective cross-examinations to serve your clients and your advocacy better. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 36 minutes.
  • OC-62368-5
    Understanding and mastering the art of cross-examination is critical in any trial setting. From the perspective of experienced counsel, this roundtable discussion explores topics of interest to litigators in their early years of practice including advice the panelists would give to themselves if they could go back to their early years of practice, common mistakes they see counsel make in cross-examination, and how they organize their cross-examination materials. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 55 minutes.
  • OC-62368-3
    The goal, first and foremost, of cross-examination is to aid in the truth seeking process of litigation. A good cross-examination, well prepared and well executed, helps that process not simply by “attacking” unhelpful evidence, but rather by also obtaining evidence from the other side’s witnesses that is helpful to your client’s theory of the case. Explore effective strategies that lawyers can employ to plan and prepare for a successful cross-examination. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 1 hour, 5 minutes.
  • OC-62368-2
    The cross-examination of children or other vulnerable witnesses raises special concerns for an advocate. Explore steps on how to prepare and modify an approach in sensitive cases while still serving a clients’ best interests. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 53 minutes.
  • OC-62368-1
    The goal, first and foremost, of cross-examination is to aid in the truth seeking process of litigation. A good cross-examination, well prepared and well executed, helps that process not simply by “attacking” unhelpful evidence, but rather by also obtaining evidence from the other side’s witnesses that is helpful to our client’s theory of the case. Explore strategies to impeach a witness and provides suggestions for dealing with difficult witnesses. This on-demand program was originally presented on March 5, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Cross Examinations.  Total running time is 1 hour.
  • OC-62395
    On February 1, 2023, a new version of Alberta’s Trustee Act came into force. This presentation discusses the amendments to the Trustee Act, recent amendments to the Estate Administration Act and the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Regulation, and judicial involvement. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on March 12, 2024. Total running time is 43 minutes.
  • OC-62386-5
    Focusing on the early years of practice, this panel discussion provides various perspectives on topics including things the panelists know now that they wish they had known in their early years of learning about the conduct of a judicial review application, tips for counsel working opposite a self-represented individual on a judicial review, and the importance of mentorship in developing an area of expertise in the area of judicial reviews. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 28, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Judicial Reviews.  Total running time is 44 minutes.
  • OC-62386-4
    From the perspective of a practitioner, this on-demand program explores when a judicial review is appropriate in the labour relations context and the various avenues for appeal. Topics include the difference between employment law and labour relations, judicial review of labour board decisions, judicial review of decisions made by other dispute resolution tribunals, and arbitration review. This program is designed for lawyers in their first few years of practice and those looking for a refresher. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 28, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Judicial Reviews.  Total running time is 45 minutes.
  • OC-62386-3
    Geared towards lawyers in their first few years of practice and those looking for a refresher, this on-demand program provides an overview of the statutory appeal process, including procedural considerations and the applicable standard of review. The interplay between a party’s statutory right to appeal and their enduring right to seek judicial review is also examined. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 28, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Judicial Reviews.  Total running time is 55 minutes.
  • OC-62386-2
    Focusing on the early years of practice, this on-demand program provides an overview of judicial reviews, examines pre-hearing considerations, and explores written and oral arguments. Topics include the right to judicial review, standard of review, application for judicial review, the Record, briefs of law, and role of the parties. This program is geared towards lawyers in their first few years of practice and those looking for a refresher. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 28, 2024 as part of Practice Foundations: Judicial Reviews.  Total running time is 1 hour, 15 minutes.