Notice of Discontinuance | LESA’s Alberta Surrogate Forms Publication

LESA’s Alberta Surrogate Forms publication will be discontinued as of June 15, 2022 

The Surrogate Rules, Alta Reg 130/1995, were recently amended to replace the existing NC forms with new GA forms and to permit electronic applications using a Surrogate Digital Service. Those amendments come into force on June 15, 2022. Effective June 15, 2022, most surrogate applications must use the new GA forms and NC forms will no longer be accepted. Additionally, commencing September 13, 2022, members of the Law Society of Alberta will be required to use the Surrogate Digital Service for most applications.  

As a result of these upcoming changes, we will be discontinuing the Alberta Surrogate Forms publication, which includes the soon-to-be repealed NC forms. 

LESA will continue to publish the existing C forms and ACC forms, which were not amended by Order in Council 356/2021. However, those forms will now be available as part of our  Alberta Wills and Estates Practice Manual, available in hardcopy and electronically on the online LESA Library

If you’d like to learn more about coming amendments and how the changes impact your practice, LESA’s on-demand program “Surrogate Reform” is now available. Click here to access the recording from our live broadcast on June 17, 2022.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] for assistance. 

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