Program Feature – Civil Advocacy Series: Evidence

Civil Advocacy Series: Evidence

Examine foundational matters and current updates to the rules of evidence to enhance your skills in effectively leading evidence at trial. Join program chair the Honourable Justice R.A. Graesser and expert panelists in Edmonton (May 2) or in Calgary (May 4) for Civil Advocacy Series: Evidence.

Sneak Preview

We recently spoke to the Honourable Justice R.A. Graesser to get a sneak preview of this program. Here’s what he had to say.

What topics will be covered at this program?

This program addresses the key aspects that civil litigators should know about the rules of evidence. The topics include how to properly cross-examine – bringing into play the old Browne v Dunn (1893) Rules; how to deal with hearsay evidence – referencing the R v Khan, [1990] and R v Khelawon, [2006] line of cases; [and more]. I think the program will give people a better understanding of where the courts and the law are at on taking judicial notice.”

What do you think attendees will find most beneficial about this program?

I think this program will open their eyes to some areas of evidence that they probably haven’t given much thought too. I think some of what’s going to be covered will come as news to people in civil litigation. This is going to be a very practical program.”

Can you tell me about the panel?

I thought it might be interesting to have the program led by people who teach the Rules. We’ve got Prof. Lisa Silver (University of Calgary), who is the evidence Prof. down there. We’ve got the Honourable Justice W.N. Renke (Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta), who used to be the evidence Prof. at the University of Alberta. We also have Judges who enforce the rules of evidence, who will discuss the practical application of the theories presented by the Professor and former Professor. The Honourable Justice K.P. Feehan (Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta) has a wealth of knowledge as a civil litigator. He will speak to the practical side of things. Lastly, we have the Honourable Judge M.J. Durant (Provincial Court of Alberta) to address practical applications as well.”

Register Online

Don’t miss the opportunity to review and discuss the rules of evidence with experienced panelists. Register online for Civil Advocacy Series: Evidence to attend in Edmonton (May 2) or in Calgary (May 4)Register on or before April 4 to take advantage of our Early Bird pricing.

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