Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues (Livestream)

AboutFaculty This is the registration page for the livestream session. This program is also being offered as an in-person program in Edmonton. Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with wills and powers of attorney. This program will hit 25 of those issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further […]

$393.75 – $525.00

Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues (Edmonton)

LESA's Program Space Suite 1401, 10088-102 Avenue, Edmonton

AboutFaculty Extended early bird pricing for in-person registration! This is the registration page for the in-person program in Edmonton. This program is also being offered online via livestream. Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with wills and powers of attorney. This program will hit 25 of those issues with advice or comments on each […]

$393.75 – $525.00
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