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  • OC-62387
    Written communication is integral to the practice of law. The ability to produce well-written legal documents will greatly benefit your practice. Examine strategies and best practices for legal writing in Alberta, with topics including the principles of legal writing; drafting emails; drafting blogs; and practicing your writing. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on April 16, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour,  3 minutes.
  • OC-62402
    Designed specifically for legal support staff across a variety of practice areas, this on-demand program aims to elevate digital skills, fostering efficiency and adaptability in today’s paperless legal environment. Topics include how to build a dynamic digital resource library using Microsoft OneNote, how to transform a chaotic schedule into a structured, collaborative success using Microsoft Planner, how to utilize Microsoft Word Mail Merge to efficiently create form letters, pulling data from a Microsoft Excel Worksheet, and how to utilize Adobe Acrobat. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on April 3, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour.
  • OC-62392
    While the potential benefits of effectively utilizing AI in your legal practice are enormous, it can be challenging to keep up with the legal and ethical issues. Explore AI from the perspective of a computer scientist, including the workings of ChatGPT and potential pitfalls, such as hallucinations, and ethical standards relating to AI. Examine practical applications and implications of AI from a lawyer’s perspective, including available tools for lawyers and what they can (and cannot) do, how to appropriately utilize AI in practice, and how lawyers might misuse AI. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on February 21, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 27 minutes.
  • OC-62375
    Explore tips for effective practice management, including file management, time management, client communication, and billing. This on-demand program is geared towards articling students, lawyers in their first few years of practice, and lawyers who are considering starting their own practice. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on February 13, 2024. Total running time is 45 minutes.
  • OC-62388
    This presentation outlines a number of the changes law firms are facing, and how to handle them. Topics include: why strategic planning is critical for law firms right now,  how to prepare for retirements and transfer of ownership, how to keep lawyers motivated to stay and evolve with the firm, and how to prepare for changes to the profession resulting from developments like AI. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on January 25, 2024.  Total running time is 1 hour.
  • OC-62360
    This on-demand program explores cross-cultural interactions and the ways that so-called “implicit” or unconscious biases that we all have can affect how we interact with each other. It further considers the ways that implicit biases may show up, the impact they can have, the sources from which they arise, and best practices for mitigating their effects. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on December 5, 2023. Total running time is 2 hours, 52 minutes.
  • OC-62373-02
    Lawyers have a duty to keep clients informed of status, relay facts, and communicate details which may impact the resolution of a matter. For many lawyers, these communications typically occur via email.  As a result, lawyers and support staff are generally overloaded with email and may feel overwhelmed when trying to get it under control. Communication breakdowns are a significant factor in many malpractice actions, and a lawyer’s inability to keep up with email often contributes to that. This presentation explores how to significantly improve Outlook’s default settings as well as track, flag, and file emails (and attachments) efficiently. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on November 29, 2023.  Total running time is 1 hour, 11 minutes.
  • OC-62373-01
    Learn the powerful ways that Microsoft Excel can improve your work product, make your practice more efficient, and save you time. Many legal professionals either underutilize Excel or don’t use it at all. This presentation explores topics applicable across a variety of practice areas, including how to produce flawless fiduciary accountings, amortization schedules, real estate closing statements, graphical representations of data, mail merges, and useful formulas (dates, numbers, text, and logic). This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on November 29, 2023.  Total running time is 3 hours.
  • OC-62372
    Legal documents frequently require complex formatting. Legal users often find Microsoft Word to be a constant source of frustration. It’s the primary tool used to produce work product, yet many feel it works against them. This presentation explores common legal drafting problems and teaches tips and techniques to utilize Microsoft Word efficiently and effectively in the practice of law. This comprehensive training is relevant to both lawyers and legal support staff. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on November 15, 2023. Total running time is 3 hours.
  • OC-62370
    Legal research is an integral part of a lawyer’s practice. This presentation provides strategies and best practices when conducting legal research in Alberta, including research strategies, such as where to begin with legal research, and potential pitfalls for legal research, such as ChatGPT. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on October 11, 2023. Total running time is 57 minutes.
  • OC-62329-03
    The second part of this two-part series dives deeper into communication and time management skills for legal support staff. This presentation discusses how to communicate with other legal professionals and best practices for time management. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on May 26, 2023 as part of our Law Office Fundamentals for Legal Support Staff program.
  • OC-62329-02
    Understanding the roles and responsibilities as a legal support staff is essential to a successful practice. Part 1 of this two-part series discusses communication and time management skills, including communication between legal support staff and “their” lawyer(s), and how to work with difficult personalities. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on May 26, 2023 as part of our Law Office Fundamentals for Legal Support Staff program.