Areas of Law
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  • 62460.02
    The use of experts in legal cases can raise serious concerns about access to justice, fairness, and procedural efficiency. This paper discusses the role of using expert evidence in law, the disconnect between the law and the field of science, and whether and how expert evidence should be used. This paper was presented at LESA’s Qualifying Experts in Court and ADR webinar on September 12, 2024.
  • OC-62463
    Keep up to date on impaired driving law in Canada with an exploration of the latest legal developments and strategies for handling impaired driving cases effectively. This presentation discusses updates to criminal and administrative legislation and how to navigate the new system and run cases. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on September 13, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 31 minutes.
  • OC-62460
    This presentation explores considerations for when involvement of an expert in court or ADR proceedings is helpful, how to differentiate between genuine expertise and ‘pseudo-experts’, and strategies for evaluating and challenging an expert’s level of expertise during qualifying processes. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on September 12, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 2minutes.
    Lawyers are drowning in technology-based interruptions, switching tasks on the computer nearly 600 times a day. Constant distractions from various methods of communication such as email, instant messaging, social media, and phone calls can kill productivity without the processes and technology in place to manage them. This course will teach methodologies to achieve focus and take back control of your day, and upcoming weeks and months. It will take approximately four hours to complete.
  • OC-PF-LM
    Memos or letters may be used to communicate legal information to a variety of audiences, including clients, courts, colleagues with whom we are collaborating, and opposing counsel. Understanding which type of document is required in each situation, and how to properly structure and compose the document are important elements influencing the effectiveness of the information you communicate. This course looks at three common types of written communications that lawyers are frequently required to prepare.
  • OC-PF-C
    Contracts are instruments recognized and given effect by law, pursuant to which the rights, benefits, and obligations of the parties are allocated. Contract drafting is a practical skill that requires years of practice and effort to master. This course will provide the foundational principles of contract drafting to allow you to build your skills in your early years of practice.
  • 62461.01
    This paper provides practical tips that newer lawyers and students-at-law can employ and integrate in the early years of their litigation practice to ensure success as they grow in their legal career. The tips are intended to apply whether your litigation practice is before the courts of Alberta or before regulatory and administrative tribunals and boards. This paper was presented at LESA’s Practical Tips for a Successful Civil Litigation Practice webinar on July 24, 2024.  
  • OC-62461
    Are you an articling student or new to the Alberta bar? This presentation explores practical strategies that can be utilized to navigate the complexities of litigation successfully. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on July 24, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 27 minutes.
  • 62381.00
    The cost of care for children with disabilities is often higher than the cost of care for children without disabilities. This paper explores how the Courts handle finances for families whose children have special needs. This paper was presented at LESA’s Child Support: Unique Considerations for Children with Disabilities webinar on June 13, 2024..
  • 62406.04
    The law governing the time limit and the limitation period for a review of lawyer’s accounts is complex and cannot be fully understood by reading rule 10.10(2) and section 2 of the Limitations Act. Much of it is derived from judicial decisions. This paper provides a brief overview of the law and examines the time limits and limitation periods for reviews of lawyers’ statements of account. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Family Law for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on June 6, 2024.
  • 62406.03
    A well-organized Family Property Statement is an essential tool in determining the division of family property. This paper explores the fundamentals of family property statements and provides suggestions to legal support staff about how to assist in the preparation of a family property spreadsheet. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Family Law for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on June 6, 2024.
  • 62406.02
    Family law can be tough for all involved, from clients to lawyers and legal support staff. This paper explores strategies to help legal support staff better manage and prioritize their workload, avoid potential burnout, mitigate risks for compassion fatigue, and provide mental health support mechanisms. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Family Law for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on June 6, 2024.