Domestic Contracts – Now as a Seminar on Demand

LESA is pleased to announce our latest seminar on demand: Domestic Contracts. The above introductory video with seminar chair Deni Cashin shows you what the program is all about, and today’s blog gives you additional details.

The seminar on demand provides you with course materials (as downloadable PDFs) and speaker presentations (as online, streamable videos). Together the materials and presentations cover several important topics:

This seminar on demand also offers many practical resources: it references recent case law and provides sample clauses, precedents, and checklists.

To gain access to this seminar on demand, you can register online now. Once we get your registration, we’ll send you your login credentials, and you can access all of these incredible resources online any time you’d like.

If you’re interested in other online resources, you can find a complete listing of available seminars on demand or information about the new LESA Library on our website.

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