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  • 62286.05
    This paper looks at legal tools that are available to help parties move forward after a Court has determined that domestic violence has occurred. It considers tools that exist in other jurisdictions and in Alberta legislation, with a view to helping Alberta lawyers be creative in crafting solutions. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Addressing Family Violence in Chambers program in Edmonton on November 25, 2022.
  • 62286.04
    These materials summarize recent cases dealing with family violence under the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act. They also explore cases of contact resistance (i.e. “alienation”) and situations involving PAFVA/restraining orders. Lastly, caselaw is considered on the emerging tort of family violence. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Addressing Family Violence in Chambers program in Edmonton on November 25, 2022.
  • 62286.03
    Family violence is prevalent, but it can be hard to prove. Credibility is often going to be the crux of the issue, especially if a person did not seek or was not successful in obtaining an Emergency Protection Order or if criminal charges were not laid. Evidentiary issues frequently arise as victims often do not keep proper records of the family violence. This paper is a practical “how to” guide on gathering and using evidence of family violence in court matters. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Addressing Family Violence in Chambers program in Edmonton on November 25, 2022.
  • 62286.02
    Family violence cases are complex, and many factors contribute to their complexity. In addition, the alleged perpetrator often makes a counter-allegation of alienating behaviour. When these matters come to Court, often with limited and generally contradictory evidence, what can the Court do? This paper explores these issues and provides options to consider when these matters arise. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Addressing Family Violence in Chambers program in Edmonton on November 25, 2022.
  • 62286.01
    Legal matters that involve family violence are not easy situations for anyone involved. Understanding and keeping the legal principles regarding family violence will help lawyers navigate these difficult issues. This paper discusses the legal principles at play when dealing with Emergency Protection Orders and Restraining Orders. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Addressing Family Violence in Chambers program in Edmonton on November 25, 2022.
  • OC-62296-05
    From the perspective of Court of King’s Bench clerks, this presentation provides insight into why rejections occur in family law matters. It also discusses reasons for rejection on divorce applications as well as email/digital filing service requirements and expected timelines. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 13, 2022 as part of our Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program. Total running time is 58 minutes.
  • OC-62296-04
    This presentation discusses recent changes to the Divorce Act and some initial considerations under the Hague Convention and limitations issues. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 13, 2022 as part of our Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program. Total running time is 25 minutes.  
  • OC-62296-03
    This presentation covers disclosure, including for desk applications, and what to do when there is incomplete disclosure; issues that can arise in applications for child support, notices to attend family docket court, draft applications and affidavits, contents of affidavits, filing of applications, and service; and applications for parenting and spousal support. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 13, 2022 as part of our Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program. Total running time is 1 hour, 10 minutes.
  • OC-62296-02
    This presentation examines different pleadings, common divorce applications including division of property, styles of cause, and grounds of divorce. It includes a robust Q&A at the end of the presentation. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 13, 2022 as part of our Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program. Total running time is 1 hour, 4 minutes.
  • OC-62296-01
    This presentation summarizes common divorce law concepts with a view to helping legal support staff bridge the legal requirements of files they’re working on in their day-to-day work. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 13, 2022 as part of our Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program. Total running time is 1 hour, 12 minutes.
  • 62296.13
    This paper highlights some of the recent changes in the Divorce Act, RSC 1985, c 3 in the following areas: (1) definitions of custody/access, parenting orders, and spouses, (2) definition and requirements for relocation, (3) inclusion of best interest & family violence provisions. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on October 13, 2022, and in Calgary on October 19, 2022.  
  • 62296.01
    This paper summarizes common divorce law concepts with a view to helping legal support staff bridge the legal requirements of files they’re working on in their day-to-day work. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Divorce Law for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on October 13, 2022, and in Calgary on October 19, 2022.