Residential Real Estate for Legal Support Staff

Residential Real Estate

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available. You can use the LESA Library to access course materials or purchase course materials a la carte. Alternatively, you can view the complete list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

Residential Real Estate for Legal Support Staff seminar is coming up in the New Year (January 22 in Calgary; February 4 in Edmonton). This seminar will be of special interest to junior lawyers and legal support staff who are new to the area of residential real estate.

The seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Sale transactions
  • Purchase transactions
  • Mortgages
  • Condominiums
  • Real property reports and compliance issues
  • Grab Bag, discussing issues such as dower rights, non-resident vendors, foreign ownership of land requirements, transfer of land for estates, signing requirements for corporations, and unusual registrations on title.

Seminar Chair Tracey Bristow of Hansma Bristow Finlay LLP has been practising law for 23 years in the areas of real estate, family law, civil litigation, and wills and estates. During that time, Tracey estimates that she has been the lawyer for 7,000 to 8,000 real estate transactions.

“I have been involved in most aspects of residential real estate, from converting apartment buildings to condominiums to the purchase of an empty lot.  The majority of my real estate practice, however, is single family dwellings,” says Tracey. “While I sometimes feel that I’ve seen every variation of a deal, or that there are no issues I haven’t had to deal with, real estate still has enough variation that I run into something new every few months.”

Although Tracey believes that new lawyers and legal support staff will find the precedents and checklists most useful, she thinks the topic they will be happiest to have in the future is the “grab bag” section.

“It’s always the little things that can trip you up, like Dower Consents or Foreign Ownership requirements, and the grab bag is intended to alert you to possible issues and give you a method of dealing with them,” explains Tracey.

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