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  • OC-62093-03
    This presentation explores the condominium collection process, from caveats through to foreclosure actions, and from charge backs to fines. It reviews bylaw enforcement procedure, including cease and desist letters, evictions (pets, tenants, and owners), and the step-by-step method to enforce condominium bylaws. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in September 2018.
  • OC-62093-02
    This presentation discusses how recent amendments to the Condominium Property Act are affecting the way lawyers practice. Topics include drafting purchase and sale agreements for developers, affected condominium bylaws, increased obligations for developers and reviewing purchaser documents. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in September 2018.
  • OC-62093-01
    This presentation discusses condominium law principles, and teaches how to recognize and handle condominium issues more effectively, including those that arise incidentally. Engage in an overview of the Cannabis Act, which legalizes the use and cultivation of cannabis in dwelling units, and consider how this will affect condominium corporations and their powers. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in September 2018.
  • OC-62087-05
    In this presentation, Karen Molle and Kelsey Sitar provide a refresher on s 8 of the Charter and consider the Supreme Court of Canada decisions in R v Marakah, R v Jones, and, most recently, R v Le. They also discuss wiretaps and mobile device identifiers. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in June 2018.
  • OC-62087-04
    In this presentation, Shelley Tkatch discusses electronic evidence and s 24 of the Charter. She reviews the principles from R v Grant and applies that framework to the search and seizure of electronic evidence. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in June 2018.
  • OC-62087-03
    In this presentation, Matthew Nathanson addresses some of the common issues encountered in search and seizure of electronic devices, including standing under s 8 of the Charter, Vukelich hearings, and the scope of computer searches. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in June 2018.
  • OC-62087-02
    In this presentation, Kent Teskey QC discusses border searches under s 99 of the Customs Act, with a particular emphasis on searches of electronic devices. He highlights current case law and Canada Border Services Agency policies. He also provides suggestions for how to best advise clients with respect to border searches. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in June 2018.
  • OC-62087-01
    In this presentation, Justice Antonio discusses the framework for search and seizure law, including s 8 of the Charter, and provides advocacy tips for making search-related arguments before the court. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in June 2018.
  • OC-62082-06
    In this presentation, David Tupper provides an overview of arbitration, including the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration. He provides tips for drafting arbitration clauses and selecting arbitrators. He also discusses process considerations and hearing strategies for arbitrations. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in May 2018.
  • OC-62082-05
    In this presentation, Lori Bokenfohr discusses tax issues in business disputes. She reviews basic tax rules and presents hypothetical situations to highlight tax considerations in shareholder disputes and buyouts, tax treatment of damages, and getting a tax deduction. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in May 2018.
  • OC-62082-04
    In this presentation, Richard Billington QC discusses the contemporary nature of fraud and highlights various civil remedies, including Mareva injunctions, Anton Piller orders, and remedies under parts 18 and 19 of the Alberta Business Corporations Act. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in May 2018.
  • OC-62082-03
    In this presentation, Leah Tolton highlights drafting principles for contracts, with reference to Bhasin v Hrynew and the duties of good faith and honesty. She also reviews key terms in contracts, including limitation of liability clauses and entire agreement clauses. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program in May 2018.