Updates to Alberta’s Court Commercial Case Management (“CCM”) Process

The Court of King’s Bench of Alberta has recently announced an update to the Commercial Case Management (“CCM”) application.

Effective March 2, 2023, the application will now allow counsel to upload materials in support of a hearing directly to the digital hearing card. This will allow the presiding Justice to access and review counsel’s materials and expedite the delivery of material to the judiciary on matters booked through the CCM application. This update was implemented to increase efficiency and transparency in the court process.

Beginning from March 6, 2023, all hearings booked in the CCM application must have all documents in support of a hearing associated with it no later than the Friday before the scheduled hearing.[1]

For more information on how to use the CCM digital service, read official guide here.

[1] “Update to Commercial Case Management Application (CCM)” online: Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, 1 March, 2023 [https://albertacourts.ca/kb/resources/announcements/update-to-commercial-court-case-management-application-(ccm)].

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