Program Feature: Estate Litigation Fundamentals

Estate Litigation FundamentalsReview the fundamentals of estate litigation and court practice – from questioning, to applications, to trial – in our upcoming program Estate Litigation Fundamentals.

Join seminar chair Françoise Belzil and seasoned panelists this April 5 (Edmonton) or April 12 (Calgary) to analyze common issues and discover practical litigation strategies.

Topics and Presenters

In a recent interview, we spoke with Françoise, who told us a bit about what to expect at this program. Here’s what she had to say.

The program starts with a broad overview of the procedural process. It covers accounting – which is such a significant part of estate litigation – and then drills down into the details and the advanced skills that you need to carry on these types of files. There are 4 main topics. The first is, An Overview of the Litigation Process in the Wills and Estates Context [Jennifer Lamb], and the second is a review of Accounting Applications [Malkit Atwal]. We think of Estate Litigation as being primarily the estate of a deceased person, but what we are seeing in the practice area is more litigation with respect to attorney’s acting pursuant to Powers of Attorney. The final two discussion topics are Questioning – Getting the Answers [Joseph T. Schuck] and Evidentiary Issues in Estate Litigation [Bruce Comba]. These delve a little bit more into the procedural aspects of Estate Litigation and are more generic in terms of pre-death or post-death. For questioning, Joseph is going to discuss why we go through the exercise of questioning, what we are trying to accomplish, and how we get there. With Evidentiary Issues in Estate Litigation, Bruce will review common evidentiary challenges and how the law responds to them.”

When asked about the program panel, Françoise delightedly responded,

I’m really impressed with the panel members. Each has established him or herself as a leading professional in the area and brings not just their legal knowledge, but their experience as well. Experience informs the development of all Litigators, regardless of their year of call.”

Program Benefits

Françoise let us know why she believes this program is beneficial for attendees. Here’s what she had to say.

This program combines a review of substantive legal principles with practical know-how. In developing this program, there was a view to have a beginning-to-end perspective of Estate Litigation, to remove some of the mystique, and to give a really good overview from beginning to end.”

When we asked Françoise why she is excited about this program, she told us that she is excited for attendees to have the opportunity note the various procedural and evidentiary challenges that differentiate Estate Litigation as a key subset of Litigation.

Register Online

Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss key issues and strategies with experienced panelists. Register online to attend Estate Litigation Fundamentals in Edmonton (April 5) or in Calgary (April 12).

We look forward to seeing you there!

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