Pro Bono Presentation Night: Call for Presenters


University of Alberta Faculty of Law


On September 15, 2016, the University of Alberta Faculty of Law is hosting a Pro Bono Presentation night. Dr. Anna Lund is spearheading the event and is looking for presenters to share their experiences about engaging in pro bono service.

Presentation Subjects

Presenters are encouraged to present on any aspect of pro bono law of interest.

  • What types of pro bono, low bono, or other law-related public interest work do you do? What drives you to do it?
  • How do you think lawyers could be encouraged to do more pro bono law?
  • How do you think pro bono law programs could be delivered more effectively?
  • To what extent do you think pro bono law improves access to justice? Does it enhance or detract from other important initiatives?
  • How do you think pro bono initiatives could engage a more diverse group of practitioners, including those practicing in-house, at small firms, as solo practitioners or in rural areas? Is pro bono the right fit in these different contexts?


Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a short proposal (100-250 words) to Anna Lund by August 1, 2016. The proposal should include the following components.

  • The presentation topic;
  • A short biography; and
  • The presenter’s contact information.

Click here for more information on Pro Bono Presentation night.

If you want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community, contact Andrea Maltais, Communications Coordinator.
780.969.0555 or [email protected]

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