Register for Effective Legal Support: Commercial Law and Effective Legal Support: Corporate Law for extra savings. Click here for more information.
Date: April 30, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Glenmore Inn & Convention Centre, 1000 Glenmore Court SE
Early Bird Price: $265 + GST (Register on or before April 9, 2019)
Regular Price: $295 + GST
NOTE: The materials for this program will be provided in electronic format.
This program is also offered in Edmonton.
LESA offers the following discounts:
D125 – 25% off for living more than 125 km (one way) from the nearest program site.
D150 – 50% off for living more than 250 km (one way) from the nearest program site.
Enter coupon code D125 or D150 during checkout if applicable.