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  • 62377.01
    This paper considers forms of equitable relief that allows victims to remedy wrongs, take action to secure information or assets, and protect themselves against fraud. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Corporate/Commercial Refresher: Transactions and Litigation program in Lake Louise from May 2–5, 2024.
  • OC-62412
    Explore key documents in M&A transactions and the negotiations involved in developing and finalizing them, with a focus on documents including: purchase and sale or similar agreements; asset vs. share vs. hybrid agreements; key provisions such as conditions precedent, indemnities, and representations and warranties; and ancillary agreements such as non-competes, leases, and transition services. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on June 3, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 27 minutes.
  • OC-62410-4
    Understanding the kinds of applications that can proceed as adult guardianship and trusteeship “desk applications” is paramount for lawyers and their clients. This on-demand program considers the mechanisms for initial applications for guardianship and trusteeship, review applications, and examination and approval of trusteeship accounts. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Practice Foundations: Adult Guardianships and Trusteeships on May 28, 2024. Total running time is 1 hour, 23 minutes.
  • OC-62410-3
    It is important for lawyers to understand the difference between hearings and desk applications and when to proceed to court. Explore key aspects of AGT applications by hearing, including a review of a sample notice of hearing, affidavit of service, and order, and consideration of sample paragraphs for AGTA applications. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Practice Foundations: Adult Guardianships and Trusteeships on May 28, 2024.  Total running time is 1 hour, 21 minutes.
  • OC-62410-2
    Canada’s population is aging, and issues of concern to older adults will have growing implications for medical and legal practice. Explore topics such as the demographics of aging in Canada, the spectrum of cognitive changes in older adults from normal aging through to advanced dementia, how multi-morbidity, polypharmacy, and frailty interact with cognition, and possible implications for legal practice. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Practice Foundations: Adult Guardianships and Trusteeships on May 28, 2024.  Total running time is 1 hour.
  • OC-62410-1
    Explore two important aspects of adult guardianship and trusteeship matters: urgent applications and accounting. In terms of urgent applications, it explores who can make such an application, how to do so, and provides considerations and practice tips. When it comes to accounting in AGTA matters, this presentation provides a broad overview of the who, what, when, where, and whys. It also discusses how to make an application for accounting. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Practice Foundations: Adult Guardianships and Trusteeships on May 28, 2024.  Total running time is 1 hour, 28 minutes.
  • OC-62396-6
    Explore topics that frequently arise with domestic contracts, including: identifying parties’ motivations, disclosure considerations, negotiation factors, agreement drafting, formal requirements, independent legal advice, and costs and legal fees. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 53 minutes.
  • OC-62396-5
    Explore Common Valuation Issues and Tax Tools for Settlement, with topics including: an overview of business valuations; common areas of disagreement with respect to valuations; and tax issues and solutions. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 1 hour.
  • OC-62396-4
    Family property disputes are not immune from corporate litigation issues such as misappropriation of funds, denial of access to information, removal of directors, squeezing out minority shareholders, diverting business to a new company, and general corporate misbehaviour. Explore corporate litigation concepts and topics that may be of interest to family law practitioners in advising their clients in family property matters. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 53 minutes.
  • OC-62396-3
    The breakdown of a relationship is often accompanied by financial problems of one or both spouses. Explore some of the general principles that family practitioners should be aware of with respect to the intersection between family law and bankruptcy law. Topics include how a bankruptcy or insolvency can affect family property proceedings and settlement as well as the impact of bankruptcy proceedings on support claims. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 55 minutes.
  • OC-62396-2
    While arbitration and mediation-arbitration have been part of Calgary’s practice for many years, for other jurisdictions, including Edmonton, it is less common and has only been gaining traction recently. Explore how to be more effective in addressing process, options, and materials to make your family law arbitrations smoother. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 57 minutes.
  • OC-62396-1
    Farm clients expect lawyers to do a professional job in their divorce, comprehend the issues they face, and suggest appropriate courses of action. Identify common issues in farm divorces and provides considerations and solutions. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program titled Advanced Family Property on May 16, 2024.  Total running time is 50 minutes.