If you practice in the area of wills and estates, be sure to take a read through this post as we have some quality continuing legal education content coming your way in our upcoming program year.
First off, be sure to save the dates for LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates this coming spring. Managing Wills and Estates Matters will take place on April 29, 2022 with the Refresher offering around 18 hours of content between April 30 and May 2, 2022. Both programs will take place at The Rimrock Resort Hotel in Banff, Alberta. We are so grateful that we can gather together again in person to offer you the added learning benefits of networking with your colleagues, meeting new people, and gaining new inspirations for your law practice. Not to mention, the scenic mountain landscape is the perfect place to find some rest and rejuvenation!
In advance of the wills and estates Refresher, we have several programs offering continuing legal education content in the areas of FMS claims, undue influence, and Surrogate Rules.
If you are new to the area of wills and estates, or if you are looking for a recap on the basics of family maintenance and support claims prior to attending the Refresher, check out FMS Claims: A Primer. Presented by Lois J. MacLean QC, this half-day webinar on November 4, 2021 will review the fundamental concepts on which Family Maintenance and Support (FMS) is based, and how the courts consider claims. We will also review the drafting of wills where there are potential FMS claims, and the obligations of executors to FMS claimants and other beneficiaries. This program is designed for wills and estates practitioners who are in their early years of practice, or for those who wish to revisit the basics. We are offering a more in-depth exploration of FMS Claims at LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates.
Join John E.S. Poyser for Inter Vivos and Testamentary Undue Influence on October 14, 2021.  The law surrounding undue influence is different in inter vivos and testamentary situations. Explore the differences and similarities between inter vivos and testamentary undue influence. John has presented for LESA several times before and is on the organizing committee for LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates and is also chairing our pre-Refresher Managing Wills and Estates Matters program this spring.
Also take note of our webinar with Justice Jones titled, Surrogate Reform on November 26, 2021. There are changes coming our way in the area of Surrogate Rules and Surrogate Forms. Join us for this half-day webinar to explore the following topics:
- Recent amendments to the Surrogate Rules and Surrogate Forms and how the changes impact your wills and estates practice
- The role of the court
- The role of the clerks
- The new process for online grant applications and issuance
Did you know that our Wills and Estates Practice Manual is available electronically on the all-new LESA Library? Did you also know that you can subscribe by your chosen area of law? Check out this page for details on subscription options and pricing.
For all of our wills and estates practitioners, we hope to see you in the mountains this spring! Save the dates in your calendar and be sure to sign up for the LESA E-List to receive notification of advance registration.