Human Rights Protections After Schrenk

On December 15, 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal v Schrenk. How have decision makers across Canada interpreted and applied Schrenk in the close to five years since?

Join Leanne Monsma, Associate at Fasken to review the post-Schrenk case law to answer questions such as:

  1. Are decision makers properly applying the majority’s decision?
  2. Are any decision makers following the concurring or the dissenting reasons?
  3. Has the reasoning in Schrenk been applied to any other protected areas?
  4. What impact has Schrenk had, and in particular, has it affected the volume of complaints that tribunals and commissions receive?
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Click here for details and to register. Mark your calendar for May 3, 2023 and join us online at noon!

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