Upcoming Seminar – Matrimonial Property Division

Matrimonial Property Division Seminar

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available.
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LESA’s 2014 seminar offerings have almost concluded, but we’re getting ready to ring in the new year with a whole range of exciting programs, including the Matrimonial Property Division seminar.

We recently spoke with seminar chair and Best Lawyers 2014 family law Lawyer of the Year award recipient Kevin Hannah QC about why attendees will benefit from this seminar.

He indicated that a “good range of younger and very experienced family lawyers from both Edmonton and Calgary” will be presenting at the seminar. The panel includes 7 faculty:

With roughly a 150 years combined experience, this panel has an impressive wealth of insight to share with seminar attendees. Hannah anticipates one of the seminar’s main takeaways will be the opportunity for participants to hear the “stories, tips, and approaches” that experienced family lawyers will share about “how to deal with the more difficult matrimonial property questions that they face in their everyday practice.”

Hannah indicated that the seminar will be valuable to family law practitioners for two reasons: you will “gain insight into recent developments in the law and practical applications of the law to your family law practice.”

On one hand, by attending this seminar you’ll get caught up on the more academic aspects of the law, since you’ll receive “updates on the most recent, relevant matrimonial property cases.”

On the other hand, you’ll learn practical skills and tips, such as how to use Excel spreadsheets in negotiation and the top 10 things clients wish you know about settlement.

Read the brochure for more information about the topics covered in the seminar.

Don’t miss this seminar! Register online now to reserve your spot.

Edmonton – January 20, 2015
Calgary – February 3, 2015

Note: Since Brad Mustard will be discussing how to use Excel spreadsheets, we’d recommend bringing your laptop or tablet to the seminar so you can follow along in Excel as he is presenting.

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