NEW! 4-Month Subscriptions to the LESA Library



LESA is pleased to offer new LESA Library subscription options to assist you in these uncertain times. We know that many have migrated to working remotely, and some have pivoted their focus and are working in new practice areas. The LESA Library allows you to access electronic Alberta-specific legal information from anywhere, at anytime. Access substantive and current legal information as well as checklists, editable precedents, fillable forms, practice management tips, and so much more. Plus, LESA Library subscribers get access to hundreds of program papers from 2010 to present, available as downloadable PDFs.

The LESA Library is typically an annual subscription. However, until June 30, 2020, subscribe for as low as $195 + GST and access all that the LESA Library offers in a discounted 4-month subscription.

The Library also includes the contents of the following LESA publications in encyclopedia-style articles and downloadable PDF files:

Practice Manuals:
Fundamental Series:

4-month subscriptions can be purchased individually or for a firm, please see below. Firm subscription rates are based on the number of registered users, where every lawyer who has been called to the bar in Alberta is registered as a distinct user in the LESA Library.

Click the applicable option to subscribe or renew online today!

4-Month Single User | $195 + GST

4-Month 2–10 Users | $445 + GST

4-Month 11–25 Users | $895 + GST

4-Month 26–50 Users | $1,545 + GST

51+ Users | Inquire at [email protected]

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