November Upcoming Legal Events

Discover what’s going on in the legal community this month!


 Appellate Advocacy | EDMONTON (November 2)

Registration has re-opened, and only 10 spots remain. Register to secure your spot!

Appellate advocacy presents unique challenges and requires a different set of skills than those needed by trial counsel. This program explores various aspects of the craft of appellate advocacy in Alberta.


Advanced Estate Administration | SOLD OUT!

CALGARY (November 2)

Estate administration matters frequently involve complex and unique challenges. Discuss practical and philosophical issues that senior-level practitioners face.


Contentious Matters in Wills and Estates

EDMONTON (November 7) | CALGARY (November 15)
This program is almost sold out. Register to secure your spot!

Identify common points of contention, develop strategies to avoid or deal with them, and discover how to better advise your clients.


Junior Lawyer Series (Session #2)  | SOLD OUT!

EDMONTON (November 8)

Explore essential topics in the field of personal injury litigation, and get answers to key questions such as:  What is “The Fund”?  What is the Crown’s “Right of Recovery” and why does it matter in personal injury litigation? What has changed to the Minor Injury Regulation?


Pot Topics: Legalization of Cannabis 

CALGARY (November 16) | EDMONTON (November 22)

Legal issues surrounding the legalization of cannabis abound. Explore the implications of legislative changes and related topics.


Mediation of Family & Divorce Conflicts | SOLD OUT!

CALGARY (November 19–23)

Mediation is increasingly important in the practice of family law.  This in-depth program provides over 40 hours of intensive, hands-on skills training and is recognized by collaborative law associations in Alberta.




Law Society of Alberta

Indigenous Solutions for Environmental Challenges

Dates: November 10–12

Location: Banff, Alberta

Use the context of the historic Aguinda v. Chevron environmental case to consider the critical role of judicial remedies for violations of the rights of indigenous and other affected peoples and the leading systemic obstacles to the realization of remedies in particular cases, both in Canada and beyond. Learn more.


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