Social Media Marketing Tips for Legal Professionals

Are you interested in learning more about the opportunities and benefits social media can offer your digital marketing plan? We (virtually) sat down with Brittany Koenig, digital media manager and senior paralegal with Family Law Solutions to chat about how to expand your networks to reach new demographics, how to engage with your customers online, and how to cultivate a sense of community within your social networks. We also talk about the benefits of having a strong social media presence and how you can create a mix of content that adds value to your followers. Catch the replay below!


For a more in-depth look at content diversification, how to optimize your posts for search engines, and to walk away with tips on how to automate your posts for greater efficiency be sure to join us on Monday, December 6 for our webinar “Social Media Marketing for Legal Professionals” with Brittany Koenig. Registration is open, click here to save your seat.

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