Alberta Rules of Court Amendments: Streamlined Trials

The Alberta Rules of Court have been amended to replace the Summary Trial Process with Streamlined Trials. Effective January 1, 2024, Streamlined Trials will be available for litigants to resolve disputes in a timely, effective, and inexpensive manner. It is a full trial on the merits, and the presiding judge will grant judgment at the end of the trial.

Streamlined Trials are found under Part 8, Division 5 of the Rules of Court. Rule 8.25(2) provides that Streamlined Trials are used where an action can be fairly and justly resolved by the streamlined process, the process is proportionate to the importance and complexity of the issues, and the amounts and resources involved can be reasonably allocated to resolving the dispute. Streamlined Trials are available for the following types of matters:

  • Actions for the recovery of a liquidated sum
  • Actions for the recovery of real or personal property
  • Actions that depend primarily on the interpretation of documents
  • Actions for damages for personal injury where the damage award would likely be under $100,000
  • Wrongful dismissal actions

An application for a Streamlined Trial is commenced using Form 26 and is heard at a case conference. The application must be accompanied by a draft Streamlined Trial Order specifying how the Streamlined Trial will proceed. This should include a list of all the witnesses whose affidavits will be relied upon at the streamlined Trial, as well as all of those who may give oral evidence. The case conference can be set in Edmonton and Calgary by completing the Civil & Family Justice Seized Booking Request Form.

For a more in-depth review of the Streamlined Trial Process, read the Court’s complete Notice to the Profession and Public here.


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